Last July the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) hosted a 2-Day pre-conference Tactical Combat Casualty Care: Transitioning Lessons Learned from the Battlefield to other Austere Environments, at the World Congress on Wilderness Medicine Conference in Telluride, CO.
We are pleased to share with you the special online access to the WEM TCCC special edition. The hard copies should be arriving in the mail to JSOM print subscribers any day now.
Access Instructions
June 2017 Volume 28, Issue 2, Supplement, S1-S154
Tactical Combat Casualty Care: Transitioning Battlefield Lessons Learned to Other Austere Environments
Edited by Brad L. Bennett, Frank K. Butler, Ian Wedmore
Access will expire on December 31, 2017. (After that time, all 2017 volumes of WEM become freely accessible.)
If you encounter any problems with access, please contact