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Rethinking Prehospital Response to Mass Casualty Events: Move, Treat, and Transport

Rush S, Lauria MJ, DeSoucy ES, Koch EJ, Kamler JJ, Remley MA, Alway N, Brodie F, Barendregt P, Miller K, Hines R, Champagne M, Paladino L, Shackelford SA, Miles EA, Dorlac WC, Gurney J, Robb D, Kue RC 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Herein, we present a simplified approach to prehospital mass casualty event (MASCAL) management called "Move, Treat, and Transport." Prior publications demonstrate a disconnect between MASCAL response training and actions taken during real-world incidents. Overly complex algorithms, infrequent training on their use, and chaotic events all contribute to the low utilization of formal triage systems in the real world. A review of published studies on prehospital MASCAL management and a recent series of military prehospital MASCAL responses highlight the need for an intuitive MASCAL management system that accounts for expected resource limitations and tactical constraints. "Move, Treat, and Transport" is a simple and pragmatic approach that emphasizes speed and efficiency of response; considers time, tactics, and scale of the event; and focuses on interventions and evacuation to definitive care if needed.

Social Determinant of Unconventional Resilience: Tactical Engagement in Medical-Martial Creativity

Jeschke EA, Armon J, Wyma-Bradley J, Baker JB, Dorsch J, Huffman SL 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Building on our strategic framework and operational model, we will discuss findings from our ethnographic study entitled, "The Impact of Catastrophic Injury Exposure on Resilience in Special Operations Surgical Teams (SOST)." Our goal is to establish that medical-martial creativity supports Special Operation Forces (SOF) medics' ability to fluidly modulate pressure amid real-time military medical decision-making in austere environments. We will use qualitative quotes to explore how SOST medics express medical-martial creativity in support of unconventional resilience. We continue to highlight tactical engagement by using bag sets as a metaphor for understanding the practical performance of this social determinant. To achieve our goals, we will: 1) define the social determinant of medical-martial creativity and provide a brief background on creativity; 2) thematize various ways in which medical-martial creativity is optimized or degraded; and 3) relate tactical engagement with medical-martial creativity to our metaphor of bag sets. We conclude by gesturing to how medical-martial creativity enables SOF medics' ingenuity, which allows them to freely maneuver complex real-time decision-making to support SOF mission success.

Self-Described Training Needs of Special Operations Forces Medics and the Birth of the TACMED Division

Yue I, Allen DS, Chung J, Ruppert A, Papalski WN, Sons N, Zarow GJ, Good CJ, Devenny LE, Cady HJ, Sonntag EM, Adams RC, Hildreth AL 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Training needs of Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics were surveyed and new training initiatives have been created to meet their needs. SOF medics perform an array of medical procedures in austere environments with minimal supervision. Medical skills decay over time after initial training and the perceived training needs of active SOF medics were unclear. To fill this gap, active SOF medics (n=57) completed a survey that included confidence ratings and indications of whether additional training would make them more proficient in 70 medi cal knowledge and procedural skills, assembled into categories by a panel of experts (airway, trauma, neuro, differential di agnosis, administrative, infection, critical care, environmental, other). Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and nonparametric statistics at P<.05. Confidence was highest in the trauma, administrative, and airway categories, and lowest in the infection, differential diagnosis, and neuro categories (P<.05 or less). Categories indicating the greatest need for additional training were environmental and critical care, while those indicating lowest need were the airway and trauma categories (P≤.05). Additional training was endorsed by >75% of participants in each category. SOF medics also wanted additional training in all areas, preferably hands-on with live patients in realistic scenarios, taught by experienced medics. Findings highlight the training needs of SOF medics and demonstrate the value of bottom-up feedback toward op timizing sustainment training. Based on present findings, two TACMED (Tactical Medicine) Divisions at the SOF Echelon III level were created to meet the sustainment training needs of SOF medics

REBOA Use in a Medicalized Prehospital Setting Proposal for a First Protocol Based on the Delphi Method

Thabouillot O, Jouffroy R, Jost D, Beaume S, Derkenne C, Kedzierewicz R, Travers S, Horer TM, Prunet B 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Limb Hemorrhage Control Failure with Counterfeit Tourniquet: A Ukrainian War MEDEVAC Case Report

Lagazzi E, Bublii R, Bonetti M, Samotowka MA 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Rapid and effective tourniquet application is crucial in life-threatening limb hemorrhage to minimize mortality. However, the widespread availability of counterfeit tourniquets is a growing concern, as these devices may lack essential quality control measures, potentially compromising patient care. We describe one case where the delayed mechanical failure of a Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT)-like tourniquet caused the death of a Ukrainian soldier during evacuation to an urban trauma center. In April 2022, a 19-year-old male underwent a bilateral below-the-knee amputation from an antipersonnel landmine. Massive hemorrhage prompted the use of bilateral CAT-like tourniquets. During transportation, the right tourniquet's windlass broke, resulting in a brisk hemorrhage. Due to the high patient-to-healthcare-personnel ratio, the bleeding remained unaddressed for an unknown amount of time, resulting in death from hemorrhagic shock. This study underscores the need for robust quality control measures and the establishment of strict regulations against deploying counterfeit tourniquets to avoid preventable deaths.

Sandfly Fever

Jarvis J 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Biting sandflies are known for transmitting leishmaniasis, but sandflies also transmit sandfly fever viruses that may disrupt military operations. Sandfly fever is caused by serotypes of the Phlebovirus genus (primarily the Naples, Sicilian, or Toscana serotypes). The illness is known colloquially as "three-day fever" and "papataci fever." The clinical course of the disease normally spans about 3 days, with patients exhibiting a prodromal phase consisting of fatigue, chills, abdominal pain, and possibly facial flushing and tachycardia. Disease onset is marked by hyperpyrexia, myalgia, and arthralgia. The incubation period is typically 3-5 days, with viremia in humans lasting typically less than 1 week. This manuscript describes sandfly appearance, behavior, and geographic distribution. It then lists comparable diseases for differential diagnosis. Finally, as no vaccine exists for the sandfly virus, it concludes with steps for preparation and prevention to prevent outbreaks from disrupting military operations.

Winston Churchill's Mother and the Inked Operator: Health Risks and Biokinetics of Tattoo Inks

Gielas A 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Tattooing is an ancient art form widely practiced among Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel. The ink injected into skin tissue during tattooing often contains various compounds, including impurities and contaminants, which can pose health risks. This article provides an overview of recent research to inform SOF medical personnel about the potential health implications of both new and older tattoos.

Military Medical Student Specialty Preferences During the DHA Transition: A Retrospective Analysis

Brooke ZS, Husson CM, Watkin RL, Swats K, Moran NA, Raiciulescu S, Witkop CT, Durning SJ 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Background: The Military Health System is a unique subsector within the nation's Graduate Medical Education (GME), with a different incentive structure for specialty selection for military medical students compared with their civilian counterparts. Changes by the Defense Health Agency (DHA) in 2017 emphasized a shift in military GME to training "operational" medical specialties. This study sought to gain insight into military medical students' reactions to the 2017 DHA transition by examining whether students continued to select "operational" specialties at similar rates as well as whether students remained satisfied with attending medical school. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of Uniformed Services University (USU) post-match students from 2015 to 2020 using anonymized data from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Graduation Questionnaire, separated into pre-DHA (2015-2017) and post-DHA (2018-2020) transition groups. Results: Regarding both intent to practice an operational specialty and satisfaction with choosing medical school, there was no statistically significant difference between the preand post-DHA transition groups. Conclusions: Whether preor post-DHA transition, USU medical students demonstrated similar preferences for operational specialties as well as similar levels of satisfaction with medical school attendance, suggesting that this transition may not significantly influence medical students' career preferences nor blunt their desire to enter military medicine.

The Effect of Radiological Assessment of Volunteers for French Paratrooper Training A Five-Year Retrospective Study

Montagnon R, Rouffilange L, Wagnon G, Balasoupramanien K, Texier G, Aigle L 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Introduction: A systematic radiological examination is needed for military airborne troops in order to detect subclinical medical contraindications for airborne training. Many potential recruits are excluded because of scoliosis, kyphosis, or spondylolisthesis. This study aimed to determine whether complementary radiological assessment excludes too many recruits and whether medical standards might be lowered without increasing medical risk to appointees. Methods: This retrospective, epidemiological, cross-sectional single-center study spanned 5 years at the French paratroopers' initial training center. We analyzed all medical files and full-spine X-ray results of all enlisted troops during this period. Secondary evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon enabled 23 enlisted personnel, deemed medically unacceptable because of X-ray findings, to be given waivers for airborne training. A follow-up review of their 23 files was conducted to determine whether static-line parachute jumps were hazardous to those who were initially declared medically unacceptable. Results: Of the 3,993 full-spine X-rays, 67.5% (2,695) were described as having normal alignment and structure; 21.8% (871) had lateral spinal deviation; and 10.7% (427) had scoliosis. Sixty-six recruits (1.6%) were deemed unfit because of findings that did not meet the standard on the fullspine X-ray: 53 enlisted personnel had scoliosis greater than 15°, and 13 had spondylolisthesis (grade II or III). Of the 23 patients granted waivers, 82.3% with scoliosis (14) and all patients with kyphosis had not declared any back pain after 5 years. Conclusion: The findings, supported by a literature review of foreign military data, suggest that spondylolisthesis above grade I and low back pain are more significant than scoliosis and kyphosis for establishing airborne standards.

Vascular Repair in Wartime Casualties

Younce L, Anderson J, Kronstedt S, Johannigman J 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

In the third installment of the "Lest We Forget" series, the authors discuss a critical advance-vascular repair, pioneered by Dr. Carl Hughes-in the care of the war-wounded during the Korean War. This article reviews the management of large vessel injuries in wartime, the challenges and advances in military medicine during the Korean War, and the application of these lessons to current practices.

Limitations of Triage in Military Mass Casualty Response: A Case Series

Rush S, Lauria MJ, DeSoucy ES, Koch EJ, Kamler JJ, Remley MA, Remley MA, Remley MA, Foudriat A, Foudriat A, Foudriat A, Foudriat A, Foudriat A, Foudriat A, Paladino L, Shackelford SA, Miles EA, Dorlac WC, Dorlac WC, Gurney J, Gurney J, Gurney J, Kue RC 99(5). (Case Reports)

Introduction: Mass casualty events (MASCALs) in the combat environment, which involve large numbers of casualties that overwhelm immediately available resources, are fundamentally chaotic and dynamic and inherently dangerous. Formal triage systems use diagnostic algorithms, colored markers, and four or more named categories. We hypothesized that formal triage systems are inadequately trained and practiced and too complex to successfully implement in true MASCAL events. This retrospective analysis evaluates the real-world application of triage systems in prehospital military MASCALs and other aspects of MASCAL management. Methods: We surveyed Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics known to us who have participated in military prehospital MASCALs and analyzed them. Aggregated data describing the scope of the incidents, the use of formal triage algorithms and colored markers, the number of categories, and the interventions on scene were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and lessons learned were consolidated. Results: From 1996 to 2022 we identified 29 MASCALs that were managed by military medics in the prehospital setting. There was a median of three providers (range 1-85) and 15 casualties (range 6-519) per event. Four or more formal triage categories were used in only one event. Colored markers and formal algorithms were not used. Life-saving interventions were performed in 27 of 29 (93%) missions and blood transfusions were performed in four (17%) MASCALs. The top lessons learned were: 1) security and accountability are cornerstones of MASCAL management; 2) casualty movement is a priority; 3) intuitive triage categories are the default; 4) life-saving interventions are performed as time and tactics permit. Conclusion: Formal triage systems requiring the use of diagnostic algorithms, colored tags, and four or five categories are seldom implemented in real-world military prehospital MASCAL management. The training of field triage should be simplified and pragmatic, as exemplified by these instances.

REBOA Use in a Medicalized Prehospital Setting: Proposal for a First Protocol Based on the Delphi Method

Thabouillot O, Thabouillot O, Thabouillot O, Derkenne C, Kedzierewicz R, Travers S, Horer TM, Prunet B 99(5). (Journal Article)

Background: The resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) technique controls abdominal, pelvic, junctional, and postpartum hemorrhage via aortic endoclamping. There are no protocols or clear indications guiding REBOA use in a two-tiered prehospital emergency medical system, as found in France. We conducted a Delphi study to clarify the indications and contraindications for REBOA application in such a system. Methods: We performed a Delphi study in three rounds with an international group of doctors with REBOA expertise and clinical experience (members of the EndoVascular and Trauma Management Society). Based on the consensus answers, complemented by existing data in the literature, we developed a protocol for REBOA use in a medicalized prehospital setting. Results: We identified 10 questions that were not answered in the literature and submitted them to 21 experts. Over three rounds, consensus was reached on these 10 questions. The most important ones were "In your opinion, in a hemorrhagic patient, vascularly well-filled and whose hemodynamics remain unstable with 3mg/h of norepinephrine, should we inflate a REBOA to prevent the patient's death and get them to the operating room alive?" and "In the case of REBOA placement (zone I) in the prehospital setting, would you agree that the maximum occlusion duration is approximately 30 minutes, with a partial or intermittent occlusion when possible?" Conclusion: We propose a protocol for REBOA use in a medicalized prehospital setting. This protocol clarifies that hemorrhagic shock, despite a noradrenaline (also known as norepinephrine) dose of 0.6µg/kg/min, is considered too serious for the patient to be transported to the trauma center without REBOA. Moreover, it clarifies that a zone 1 REBOA should be inflated for maximum 30 minutes and with a partial occlusion strategy, if possible. This protocol should be updated based on feedback following the establishment of prehospital REBOA and large randomized studies.

Lumbar Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome in an Active-Duty Army Special Operations Aviation Soldier

Wagner C, Davis G, Donato M, Bedard P, Bridwell R 99(5). 0 (Case Reports)

Lumbar paraspinal muscle compartment syndrome is an uncommon, rapidly progressive, and potentially devastating injury with fewer than 40 cases reported in the literature. It initially mimics nonemergent causes of low back pain, disproportionately affects young men, and is most often secondary to acute physical exertion. The disease process is commonly associated with rhabdomyolysis. Diagnostic tools include physical examination, measurement of lactate and creatine kinase levels, MRI, and direct compartment pressure measurement. While medical and nonoperative management strategies have been explored, the gold standard for treatment is emergent lumbar fasciotomy. Opioid and non-steroidal pain management, as well as physical therapy, are the mainstays of post-treatment recovery, with many surgical patients reporting complete symptom resolution at long-term follow-up. This article discusses the case of a 27-year-old, male, active-duty, Special Operations Aviation Soldier who presented to the emergency department and was found to have lumbar paraspinal muscle compartment syndrome.

Social Determinant of Unconventional Resilience: Tactical Engagement with Impression Management

Jeschke EA, Wyma-Bradley J, Baker JB, Dorsch J, Huffman SL 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Building upon our operational model, we will discuss findings from our ethnographic study titled "The Impact of Catastrophic Injury Exposure on Resilience in Special Operations Surgical Teams" to establish that impression management allows Special Operation Forces (SOF) medics to navigate implicit social status symbols to either degrade or optimize performance. We will use qualitative quotes to explore how Special Operations Surgical Team (SOST) medics engage in impression management to establish individual, team, and/or organizational competency to deal with ambiguity. To achieve our goals, we will: 1) provide a background on impression management and perception of competency; 2) define the social determinant of impression management extrapolated from qualitative data as well as use qualitative data to thematize various types of impression management; and 3) relate tactical engagement with impression to our metaphor of bag sets. We conclude by gesturing to the importance of impression management in orienting SOF medics' proprioception and kinesthesia in the SOF performance space.

Audit and Inventory of Federal Law Enforcement Agency Tactical Medic Bags

Knapp JG, Tang N 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Separate evidence-based, best practice guidelines and recommendations exist for the prehospital management of traumatic injuries sustained in combat settings and those encountered during high-threat civilian operational incidents. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Tactical Medic Program is a mature operational medicine asset supporting high-threat federal law enforcement operations. The ATF conducted an audit of its agency-issued tactical medic bags with regards to completeness, as defined by authorized medical protocols, which are aligned with current Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care guidelines.

Adoption of the CH-47 to MEDEVAC Special Operations Forces in USAFRICOM

Leone R, Remondelli MH, Smith SS, Moore BJ, Wuss SL, D'Angelo M 99(5). 0 (Editorial)

Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) in a Special Operations Soldier: A Case Report

Osborne K, Wenthe A, Mahowald M, Bridwell R 99(5). 0 (Case Reports)

Special Operations Servicemembers presenting with palpitations, pre-syncope, or exertional syncope during rigorous physical training are often experiencing a benign condition; however, life-threatening etiologies should be considered. We describe a 43-year-old Special Operator who presented to his medics during selection physical assessment testing with palpitations and lightheadedness, with a subsequent workup revealing arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). His initial electrocardiogram was unremarkable without characteristic ARVC changes. Outpatient evaluation with ambulatory cardiac monitoring recorded numerous episodes of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Transthoracic echocardiography demonstrated findings concerning for ARVC, with subsequent cardiac MRI confirming the diagnosis via the 2020 Padua criteria. Management includes activity modification, class III anti-arrhythmic medications, and possible placement of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator to prevent sudden cardiac death. This case demonstrates the importance of maintaining high clinical suspicion for rare diagnoses that present with exertional palpitations, such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, in even our fittest Special Operators.

Needle Decompression Complicated by Cardiac Injury in a Prehospital Environment

Davis K, Oury JJ, Reed BL, Grabo DJ, Wilson A, Coleman C 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Needle decompression is a mainstay intervention for tension pneumothorax in trauma medicine. It is used in combat and prehospital medicine when definitive measures are often not available or ideal. It can temporarily relieve increased intrathoracic pressure and treat a collapsed lung or great vessel obstruction. However, when done incorrectly, it can result in underlying visceral organ and vessel trauma. This is a case of an adult male who presented to the emergency department after sustaining multiple stab wounds during an altercation. On arrival, the patient had a 14-gauge angiocatheter inserted at the 4th intercostal space (ICS), left of the parasternal line traversing the right ventricle and interventricular septum and terminating in the left ventricle. The case emphasizes the importance of understanding the landmarks of performing needle decompression in increasing the procedure's efficacy and reducing iatrogenic complications.

The Effect of Critical Task Auto-failure Criteria on Medical Evaluation Methods in the Pararescue Schoolhouse

Richardson I, Lauria MJ, Gravano B, Swenson JF, Rush S 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Background: Medical training and evaluation are important for mission readiness in the pararescue career field. Because evaluation methods are not standardized, evaluation methods must align with training objectives. We propose an alternative evaluation method and discuss relevant factors when designing military medical evaluation metrics. Methods: We compared two evaluation methods, the traditional checklist (TC) method used in the pararescue apprentice course and an alternative weighted checklist (AWC) method like that used at the U.S. Army static line jumpmaster course. The AWC allows up to two minor errors, while critical task errors result in autofailure. We recorded 168 medical scenarios during two Apprentice course classes and retroactively compared the two evaluation methods. Results: Despite the possibility of auto-failure with the AWC, there was no significant difference between the two evaluation methods, and both showed similar overall pass rates (TC=50% pass, AWC=48.8% pass, p=.41). The two evaluation methods yielded the same result for 147 out of 168 scenarios (87.5%). Conclusions: The AWC method strongly emphasizes critical tasks without significantly increasing failures. It may provide additional benefits by being more closely aligned with our training objectives while providing quantifiable data for a longitudinal review of student performance.

Incidence of Coagulopathy After Resuscitation at a Role 1 Facility: The Prehospital Trauma Registry Experience

Inman BL, Long B, April MD, Fisher AD, Rizzo J, Schauer S 99(5). 0 (Journal Article)

Background: The development of acute traumatic coagulopathy is associated with increased mortality and morbidity in patients with battlefield traumatic injuries. Currently, the incidence of acute traumatic coagulopathy in the Role 1 setting is unclear. Methods: We queried the Prehospital Trauma Registry (PHTR) module of the Department of Defense Trauma Registry (DoDTR) for all encounters from inception through May 2019. The PHTR captures data on Role 1 prehospital care. Data from the PHTR was linked to the DoDTR to analyze laboratory data and patient outcomes using descriptive statistics. We defined coagulopathy as an international normalized ratio (INR) of ≥1.5 or platelet count ≤150×109/L. Results: A total of 595 patients met the inclusion criteria; 36% (212) met our definition for coagulopathy, with 31% (185) carrying low platelet numbers, 11% (68) showing an elevated INR, and 7% (41) with both. The baseline (no coagulopathy) cohort had a mean INR of 1.10 (95% CI 1.09-1.12) versus 1.38 (95% CI 1.33-1.43) in the coagulopathic cohort. The mean platelet count was 218 (95% CI 213-223) ×109/L in the baseline cohort versus 117 (95% CI 110-125) ×109/L in the coagulopathic cohort. Conclusions: Our findings indicate a high incidence of coagulopathy in trauma patients. Approximately one-third of wounded patients had laboratory evidence of coagulopathy upon presentation to a forward medical care facility. Advanced diagnostic facilities are therefore needed to facilitate early diagnosis of acute traumatic coagulopathy. Blood products with a long shelf life can aid in early correction.

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