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Bringing Together the Educational Interests of Special Operations and Tactical Medicine

Winter 2018, Vol 18, Edition 4

ISSN: 1553-9768


Journal of Special Operations Medicine™

Case Reports

Larger-Caliber Alternative Devices for Decompression of Tension Hemopneumothorax in the Setting of Hemorrhagic Shock (18 - 23)

McEvoy CS, Leatherman ML, Held JM, Fluke LM, Ricca RL, Polk T

Pneumonitis and Respiratory Failure Secondary to Civilian Exposure to a Smoke Bomb in a Partially Enclosed Space (24 - 26)

Murray BP, Ralston SA, Dunkley CA, Carpenter JE, Geller RJ, Kazzi Z

Letter to the Editor

Victory I Consensus Document: Proposal for the Implementation of the Hartford Doctrine in the Spanish Context (27 - 29)

Martin L, Roca G, Hernandez JM, Fernandez S, Lynam B

Special Articles

Guerrilla Hospital Design and Lessons Learned (30 - 33)

Farr WD

Use of Drone Technology for Delivery of Medical Supplies During Prolonged Field Care (34 - 35)

Mesar T, Lessig A, King DR

Feature Articles

Advanced Resuscitative Care in Tactical Combat Casualty Care: TCCC Guidelines Change 18-01:14 October 2018 (37 - 55)

Butler FK, Holcomb JB, Shackelford S, Barbabella S, Bailey JA, Baker JB, Cap AP, Conklin CC, Cunningham CW, Davis MS, DeLellis SM, Dorlac WC, DuBose JJ, Eastridge B, Fisher AD, Glasser JJ, Gurney J, Jenkins DA, Johannigman J, King DR, Kotwal RS, Littlejohn LF, Mabry RL, Martin MJ, Miles EA, Montgomery HR, Northern DM, O'Connor KC, Rasmussen TE, Riesberg JC, Spinella PC, Stockinger Z, Strandenes G, Via DK, Weber MA

Use Your Noodle to Simulate Tourniquet Use on a Limb With and Without Bone (57 - 63)

Kragh JF, Zhao NO, Aden JK, Dubick MA

Differences in Stress Shoot Performance Among Special Forces Operators Who Participate in a Human Performance Program Versus Those Who Do Not (64 - 68)

Canada DM, Dawes JJ, Lindsay KG, Elder C, Goldberg P, Bartley N, Werth K, Bricker D, Fischer T

Feasibility Study Vascular Access and REBOA Placement: From Zero to Hero (70 - 74)

Borger van der Burg BL, Maayen RC, van Dongen TT, Gerben C, Eric C, DuBose JJ, Horer TM, Bowyer MW, Hoencamp R

Evaluation of a Concept for a Military Expedition Performance Environment (75 - 81)

Berendsen RR, Vieyra B, Rietjens GJ, Beckers RT, van Hulst RA, Boumeester CE, Hoencamp R

Willingness of Emergency Medical Services Professionals to Respond to an Active Shooter Incident (82 - 86)

Chovaz M, Patel RV, March JA, Taylor SE, Brewer KL

Shooter-Experienced Blast Overpressure in .50-Caliber Rifles (87 - 91)

Lang M, Kamimori GH, Misistia A, LaValle CR, Ramos AN, Ghebremedhin MY, Egnoto MJ

Effect of Spearmint Extract Containing Rosmarinic Acid on Physical and Executive Functioning After a Tactical Operation (92 - 96)

Ostfeld I, Ben-Moshe Y, Hoffman MW, Shalev H, Hoffman JR

A Novel, Perfused-Cadaver Simulation Model for Tourniquet Training in Military Medics (97 - 102)

Grabo DJ, Polk T, Strumwasser A, Inaba K, Foran C, Luther C, Minneti M, Kronstedt S, Wilson A, Demetriades D

The Benefits of Reflexology for the Chronic Pain Patient in a Military Pain Clinic (103 - 105)

Kern C, McCoart A, Beltranm T, Martoszek M

Efficacy of the Abdominal Aortic Junctional Tourniquet-Torso Plate in a Lethal Model of Noncompressible Torso Hemorrhage (106 - 110)

Bonanno AM, Hoops HE, Graham T, Davis BL, McCully BH, Wilson LN, Madtson BM, Ross JD

2018 Combat Medical Care Conference Abstracts

2018 Combat Medical Care Conference Abstracts: Overview of the Combat Medical Care (CMC) Conference 2018 (111 - 112)

Josse F

Summary of the CMC Scientific Program 2018 (113 - 114)

Luhrs J

2018 Combat Medical Care (CMC) Conference Abstracts (115 - 122)

Anonymous A

Ongoing Series

Canine Medicine

Clinical Update: Concepts of Prehospital Traumatic Hemorrhage Control in the Operational K9 (123 - 130)

Palmer LE

Human Performance Optimization

What the SOF Community Needs to Know About Dietary Supplements (131 - 136)

Deuster PA

Infectious Diseases

Tetanus (137 - 138)

Burnett MW

Injury Prevention

Effects of Oral Glucosamine Sulfate on Osteoarthritis-Related Pain and Joint-Space Changes: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (139 - 147)

Knapik JJ, Pope R, Hoedebecke SS, Schram B, Orr R, Lieberman HR

SOFsono Ultrasound

Thrown for a Loop (148)

Urbaniak MK, Hampton K

Special Talk

The Emergence and Evolution of the Journal of Special Operations Medicine: An Interview With Publisher Michelle Landers (149 - 150)

Pennardt A

Unconventional Medicine

Moral, Legal, and Ethical Considerations for Operational Medicine in the Austere Environment: An Introduction (152)

Hetzler MR

Adapting to Death: Clarifying the Roles of Special Operations Combat Medics in Prolonged Field Care (153 - 156)

Jeschke EA

Book Review

Dadland (157)

Farr WD

TCCC Updates

TCCC Updates: Top Honors Go to . . . (159 - 161)

Anonymous A