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Bringing Together the Educational Interests of Special Operations and Tactical Medicine

Winter 2015, Vol 15, Edition 4

ISSN: 1553-9768


Journal of Special Operations Medicine™

Case Reports

Hypolipidemia in a Special Operations Candidate: Case Report and Review of the Literature (1 - 5)

Strain JE, Vigilante JA, DiGeorge NW

Feature Articles

The Combat Medic Aid Bag: 2025 CoTCCC Top 10 Recommended Battlefield Trauma Care Research, Development, and Evaluation Priorities for 2015 (7 - 19)

Butler FK, Blackbourne LH, Gross K

Testing Tourniquet Use in a Manikin Model: Two Improvised Techniques (21 - 26)

Lyles WE, Kragh JF, Aden JK, Dubick MA

Different Width and Tightening System: Emergency Tourniquets on Distal Limb Segments (28 - 38)

Wall PL, Sahr SM, Buising CM

Comprehensive Performance Nutrition for Special Operations Forces (40 - 53)

Daigle KA, Logan CM, Kotwal RS

Evaluating Alternatives to Traditional Cotton Laparotomy Sponges for Blood Absorption in the Austere and Mobile Surgical Environment (54 - 58)

Sirkin MR, Cook P, Davis KG

OK, Doc . . . What Do I Really Have? Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Versus Traumatic Brain Injury (59 - 66)

Figueroa XA, Wright JK

Garrison Clinical Setting Inadequate for Maintenance of Procedural Skills for Emergency Medicine Physicians: A Cross-Sectional Study (67 - 70)

Schauer SG, Varney SM, Cox KL

Remote Telementored Ultrasound-Directed Compression to Potentially Accelerate Hemostasis in Exsanguinating Junctional Vascular Injuries (71 - 74)

Kirkpatrick AW, McKee JL, McKee I, Panebianco NL, Ball CG

There I Was

Fever and Thrombocytopenia in a Returning Soldier (75 - 78)

Downs JW, Biggane PJ


Providers Face Challenges Maintaining Deployment-Ready Skills at Garrison Hospitals (79 - 80)

Schauer SG, Varney SM

Letter to the Editor

"Rationale for Use of Intravenous Acetaminophen in Special Operations Medicine" (81)

Bowling F

Letter to the Editor Reply

"Rationale for Use of Intravenous Acetaminophen in Special Operations Medicine": Reply (82)

Vokoun ES

Ongoing Series

Clinical Corner

Taser and Conducted Energy Weapons (83 - 88)

LeClair TG, Meriano T

Human Performance Optimization

US Military Dietary Protein Recommendations: A Simple But Often Confused Topic (89 - 95)

Pasiakos SM, Sepowitz JJ, Deuster PA

Infectious Diseases

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (96 - 98)

Burnett MW

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (99 - 101)

Shishido AA, Letizia A

Injury Prevention

Injuries and Footwear (Part 1): Athletic Shoe History and Injuries in Relation to Foot Arch Height and Training in Boots (102 - 108)

Knapik JJ, Pope R, Orr R, Grier T

Operational Medicine in the Austere Environment

Real-World Experience With Three Point-of-Care Blood Analyzers in Deployed Environments (109 - 112)

Peffer J, Ley N, Wuelher J, d'Andrea P, Rittberg C, Losch J, Lynch JH

Picture This

Recovery of Bacteria and Fungi From a Leg Wound (113 - 116)

Washington MA, Barnhill JC, Duff MA, Griffin J

Preventive Medicine

Application of Medical Intelligence Prep of the Environment: A Review of Operational Vignettes (117 - 124)

Caci JB

Prolonged Field Care

Deconstructing the Definition of Prolonged Field Care (125)

Keenan S

Book Review

Vietnam 1968-1969: A Battalion Surgeon's Journal (126)

Farr WD

Ongoing Series

Special Talk: An Interview

"Follow Admiral William Halsey's advice: Look around and see what needs to be done. Then do it." (130 - 132)

Kragh JF

Stop the Bleed - Hartford Consensus

The Continuing Threat of Intentional Mass Casualty Events in the U.S. (142 - 145)

Fabbri WP

Military History of Increasing Survival: The U.S. Military Experience with Tourniquets and Hemostatic Dressings in the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts (149 - 152)

Butler FK

Hemorrhage Control Devices: Tourniquets and Hemostatic Dressings (153 - 156)

Holcomb JB, Butler FK, Rhee P

Intentional Mass Casualty Events: Implications for Prehospital Emergency Medical Services Systems (157 - 159)

Levy MJ

Integrated Education of All Responders (160 - 162)

McSwain NE

TCCC Updates

TCCC Updates: Translating Military Advances in Exdternal Hemorrhage Control to Law Enforcement (164 - 174)

Butler FK

TacMed Updates

TacMed Updates: Building Community Resilience to Dynamic Mass Casualty Incidents: A Multiagency White Paper in Support of the First Care Provider (175 - 177)

Anonymous A