Bringing Together the Educational Interests of Special Operations and Tactical Medicine
Summer 2015, Vol 15, Edition 2
ISSN: 1553-9768
Journal of Special Operations Medicine™
From the Publisher and Editor
In this Issue
News to Use
From the SOMA President
Meet the Experts
Peer-Review Board
Cinnarizine for Sea Sickness During a Remote Pacific Ocean Rescue Mission (1 - 6)
Oral Steroids for Dermatitis (8 - 11)
Role of the Windlass in Improvised Tourniquet Use on a Manikin Hemorrhage Model (42 - 46)
Rationale for Use of Intravenous Acetaminophen in Special Operations Medicine (71 - 73)
Emergency Department Patients Support the Use of Combat Medics in Their Clinical Care (74 - 78)
"Testing of Junctional Tourniquets by Military Medics to Control Simulated Groin Hemorrhage" (94 - 95)
"Testing of Junctional Tourniquets by Military Medics to Control Simulated Groin Hemorrhage": Reply (96)
Clinical Corner
"It's What Color?" (97 - 101)
Human Performance Optimization
Monitoring Training for Human Performance Optimization (102 - 108)
Infectious Diseases
Q Fever (109 - 111)
Injury Prevention
The Importance of Physical Fitness for Injury Prevention: Part 2 (112 - 115)
Law Enforcement & Tactical Medicine
A Descriptive Analysis of US Prehospital Care Response to Law Enforcement Tactical Incidents (117 - 122)
Operational Medicine in the Austere Environment
A Case Study of MEDCANGRO Relative to RAND Conceptual Framework* (123 - 131)
Picture This
Psoriasis (132 - 135)
Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine and Its Role in the Special Operation Forces Medical Team (136 - 138)
POW and Detainee Operations: Lessons Unlearned (139 - 143)
The World of Special Operations Medicine
Fuzileiros Portugueses (Portuguese Marines) (144 - 146)
Winged Scalpel: A Surgeon at the Frontline of Disaster (147)
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces (148)
Special Talk: An Interview
"The central theme is helping the men become the best Operators they can be." (152 - 153)
TacMed Updates: The Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (C-TECC): Summer Update (168 - 170)